What should you do if you receive a Traffic Citation?

You're driving along one day when your attention is caught by a flash of red and blue lights in your rearview mirror, followed by a signal from a police officer to pull over.

You've received a traffic citation.

We know it's never pleasant for a citizen to be ticketed. But for everyone's safety, the Bridgeport Police Department takes its responsibility for enforcement of traffic laws seriously. When cited, you have two options:
You may plead guilty by contacting the District Court listed on the citation and arranging payment of the fine and costs.
You may plead not guilty by contacting the District Court listed on the citation and arranging a date for a hearing before the District Justice. The officer who issued the citation will also appear at your hearing. You may be required by the District Court to post the amount of your fine and costs prior to your day in court. You will receive these funds back following the hearing if you are found not guilty.
The District Court covering Bridgeport Borough is:

James P. Gallagher
128 West Fourth Street
Bridgeport, Pa. 19405
Fax 610-277-3379